Thursday, August 18, 2011

David Dunggan : London Riots

Hello everyone!

Today I will be talking about a article! (:
Recently, in London, two policemen shot David Duggan, a 29 year old Negroe, as they thought he is a threat to them, and that he would assault the policemen. However, currently, there are still no evidences and witnesses to proof their claim, and hence caused riots in London, burning down buildings etc. Should they be punished?

Yes I believe that the police officers should be punished.

The black man in the taxi may have a gun, but if he is not brandishing it, and the gun is just lying in his pocket, why did the police have to shoot him, claiming that they thought the black man would shoot them?

Furthermore, the policemen may have lied about David Duggan about to shoot them, since they do not have any evidence and witnesses to proof their claim valid.

Yes, policemen in Britian, America, etc are warned about the dangers of terrorism, and hence are used to the mindset of "shoot first ask questions later", to ensure the safety of themselves. Hence, these "finger shooting" cases are not rare, but this is an especially major one, since it is from a white, to a black.

The blacks in London thinks that the shooting of David Duggan is discrimination and prejudice. They thought that the police thought that David Duggan was a threat just because he is black, and maybe, they did not even thought of him as a threat. Maybe they just shot him because of his skin colour.

I feel that the policemen definitely have to face justice, and should be punished, if there is no evidence of David being a threat. People have developed a mindset, thinking that policemen are always morally right, serving the country, risking their lives. However, just because they are men clad in blue uniforms, it does not mean that they have the authority to be entailed to shooting anyone who "seems to be a threat". Policemen must be generalised as the people lusting for justice but some of them may be corrupted. They my betray their country and the people they serve, which is the population, just to get what they want, to satisfy their personal intentions.

Hence, in conclusion, I feel that the policemen that were involved must be punished, as this may yet just be another case of discrimination.

That is all!
Thank you!(:

Yours sincerely,

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