Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Hello everyone!

Today i will be answering a question!(:

Recent Research has shown that optimism is hard wired into the brain as an evolutionary trait, and allows human beings to function face of failure, rejection and death.
How would the world be different if humans are inherently optimistic?

Optimism is vital in our world. Our economy, our society, everything. Everything will be affected if the whole world is pessimistic. For example, having a mindset of "there is always a better tomorrow" is necessary, if one wants to start a new business, invest in new firms etc. It allows one to gather enough courage through positive thoughts, to take responsible risks. With Singapore, constantly searching and trying to develop entrepreneurs and technopreneurs, through many different means, such as financial subsidies and incentives, such as changing bankruptcy rules and also enabling entrepreneurs to do business from their homes and also courses that educate and provide entrepreneurship skills. However, what the government failed to do is to change the mindsets of the people in Singapore. People do not think critically and optimistically, and therefore, are afraid to create new products, to come up with new manufacturing processes etc. Hence, Singapore's economy is rather stagnant, instead of improving tremendously.

However, that is not the worst case scenario. France is infamous for being the most pessimistic country, with 61% of the people thinking that the next year will be a year "riddled with economic problems for their country". Therefore, they always are more conservative, not wanting to share their thoughts and execute new plans, and hence, they will definitely remain stagnant, and not improve. The french are only worried of economic problems for their country. However, in Europe, 38% of them are worried about their personal wealth, and think that they will be poorer or even bankrupt in the next years to come, and hence they do not dare to take responsible risks, and entrepreneurs, which are extremely essential for economy to prosper, are never developed.

On the other hand, the most optimistic countries are countries like China, India and Brazil. Just looking at the countries would already allow you to see the magnificent positive results of optimism. The two emerging dragons, India and China, are now improving rapidly, and its rapid urbanisation, together with the cheap labour and land due to the abundance of both resources enabled them to be economy superpowers. China, whose people have such positive mindsets, are ever willing to take responsible risks and hence, new products and manufacturing processes and invented, hence allowing them to earn loads and loads of money, improving their economy tremendously. For example, fireworks were greatly improved by China, and this can be clearly seen in the recent grand opening of the Beijing Olympics, which involved a large and magnificent display of fireworks for 9 minutes. Also, gunpowder is also invented in China, and hence is hence, by manufacturing these two expensive products in large amounts, and exporting them globally, China, has is now a real super power, and is definitely catching up with America. Similarly, India is now a major technology manufacturing and researching unit in the world, and they have invented new and improved products, through Research and Development processes and techniques. For example, super sharp display phones that uses nanotechnology and new software for business cellphones. With this value added goods, they can definitely surpass all other countries, who are pessimistic, and not willing to take risks, hence only being able to remain stagnant, without improvement.

Optimism affects our society greatly as well. For example, if one does not be optimistic, after failures and setbacks, one is likely to give up easily. Without optimism, our school motto, "Resilience" can never be achieved, due to students dwelling on their mistakes, and not wanting to experience failures again.  Furthermore, suicide rates will increase as well. For example, due to France being the most pessimistic country, their suicide rates are rather high. For example, in the year 2006, the total number of suicide rates was 10415 people, and the reason why they committed suicide was largely due to economic reasons, and bankruptcy. This is how important optimism is.

Therefore, if humans are not inherently optimistic, the world will suffer, socially and economically, where economy will be stagnant, and the society will be much more chaotic.
[671 words]

Thank you!

Yours sincerely,

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